GGPoker PokerCraft
All you need to know about PokerCraft, an exclusive tracking software tool only available at GGPoker.
PokerCraft at GGPoker
- GGPoker PokerCraft Categories
- PokerCraft Game History
- My Tournaments
- PokerCraft Hand Histories
- PokerCraft Timeline
- PokerCraft Staking Profile
- SmartHUD Integration
- PokerCraft FAQs
GGPoker PokerCraft Categories
- Hold’em
- 6+ (Short Deck)
- Rush & Cash
- Spin & Gold
- Mystery Battle Royale
- All-In or Fold
PokerCraft Game History
- Review details of every hand played during each session
- Analyse and export hands as Hand Moments for sharing on social media
- View your win/loss graph, which displays your profit or loss over time, along with an expected value (EV) line, to help you assess your results and ability level
- Save key hands by putting a star on them in your history to mark them for future review
My Tournaments
- How many games you have played
- How often you made the money
- Your cumulative winnings
- Your average buy-in
- Highest and lowest buy-ins played
- Your biggest win
PokerCraft Hand Histories

PokerCraft Timeline
PokerCraft Staking Profile
SmartHUD Integration
PokerCraft FAQs
What time zone does PokerCraft use?
The standard time displayed on PokerCraft is set to UTC.
Can my PokerCraft on GGPoker be viewed by another player?
No, only you are able to view PokerCraft.
Can I view someone else's PokerCraft on GGPoker?
No, PokerCraft is only available to players individually.
Are payments viewable through PokerCraft on GGPoker?
No. However, if you receive a bonus, reward or free tickets, you will receive an email from the poker room with any relevant details.
What languages are available in Pokercraft?
PokerCraft is available in multiple languages, including English, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, French, Vietnamese, Swedish, Latvian, Romanian, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian, German, Turkish, Korean, Estonian, Armenian and Polish. You can change the language settings on any PokerCraft screen by clicking the globe image on the top right corner when logged in to the GGPoker app.